Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Intro to the family:

I               This story has several characters.

Let me introduce them to you:

First, there is the Awesome God, who has many other titles such as Heavenly Father, Savior and Redeemer, the Powerful Holy Spirit.

Second, there is the Incredible Man who upon a day in September 2004 married a woman.

Third, the Cherished Woman who bore the following offsprings (charactets 4-8) to the Incredible man.

In the year 2005, the Adventurous Son was born.
In the year 2007, the Courageous Son with the Radiant Explorer were born.
In the year 2011, the Beautiful Joy was born.

Together they are trying to live life as God intended.
There are many bumps, bruises, and broken bones along the way.
Come and see how the Cherished Woman will share her pilgrimage with her family. All while collecting various honorary degrees, masters and doctorates, with a focus in psychology, family medicine and communications.

Specializing in ASD (Aspergers),
SCD (social pragmatic communication disorder),
 DCD (developmental coordinstion disorder /
dyspraxia), generalized anxiety,
Epilepsy (Absence, Focal, Complex Partial, Drop, Nocturnal Seizures), Febrile seizures,
panic attacks, post concussion syndrome, convergenge disorder, migraines, chronic pain,  but most of all how God is Good.
Through with, to him,and in HIM are all things.

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